It’s much more common for people to take an online course nowadays. Many say that method of learning is the way of the future. In fact, eLearning has become a rapidly growing industry. If you are ready to create and sell your own course, this is the perfect time to do it. This step-by-step guide will help you do that.
Teaching online classes is one of the best ways to share your experiences and expertise. Plus, it can earn some excellent money. Since you can teach from anywhere that has an internet connection, it’s possible to travel, live abroad, and just enjoy a free lifestyle while you are teaching online courses for your students.
Let’s take a closer look at how to ensure you can create and sell a profitable course.
Pick the Right Subject
Not all subjects will make money. Consider the fact that nearly half of all entrepreneurs fail, because they didn’t find a market for what they were selling. You can’t make any money if no one is interested in what you’re teaching.
So, what are students looking for? They want to study online in order to:
- Continue their education
- Prepare for a higher course
- Gain certification to increase career opportunities
- Increase knowledge to change career paths
- Satisfy their curiosity on a subject
While there are quite a few reasons someone may want to study online, the vast majority of profitable courses are based on career knowledge and development. You should keep this in mind as you plan your course. It’s also a good idea to niche down your course. For example, don’t just create a course on how to become a freelance writer, but make it a course on how to become a profitable dental copywriter. This will help you stand out and narrows your audience.
Choose a LMS for Your Course
You may have a good idea for your course, but that won’t help unless you can get it in front of people. You will need a learning management system (LMS) like HeyBrain to set up on. The course needs to be online and easy for both you and your students to access. You should also be able to customize it.
While you can certainly self-host, it’s usually far simpler to use an existing course platform for your courses. They’re already set to give you a space for all your needs and can even guide you through the creation process. You may also choose an online course marketplace that not only lets you host your classes, but also markets them for you.
Build Your Online Course
Now that you have a great idea for your course and a place to host it, you need to build the course. This may actually be the simplest part of the entire process.
1st Step: Research your audience and what their problem is.
2nd Step: Come up with a solution for the problem and figure out how to teach them to solve it.
3rd Step: Write an outline for the course, including what the audience will learn in each lesson.
4th Step: Determine whether you will focus on video only, text only, or a mixture. You can now mark which sections will be in video and which will be written.
5th Step: Write a script for each section of video and practice looking natural in front of a camera.
6th Step: Get a good camera and set up your lighting so you can look professional in your videos.
7th Step: Record your videos. This may take multiple tries, but you can always edit and splice in the parts that worked from various takes, so nothing has to be perfect.
8th Step: Edit your video to make it look more professional. This includes cutting out humming, ums, and throat clearing, etc.
You now have a product for your hosting site.
Choose a Price for Your Online Course
Setting a price for online courses can be very difficult. You don’t have overhead and you’re not necessarily teaching in person for each class. That means you don’t have a set hourly rate to make. It can be frustrating, but you will eventually determine the right price.
Try looking at other courses similar to your own. This will give you an idea of what people are willing to pay. Keep in mind that expertise, length, and bonuses will add value that you can charge for.
Launch Your Course
Before you do a full launch, consider doing a seed launch or a mini launch where you invite just a handful of people to take the course. This will give you your chance to test the course, get feedback, and also pick up some reviews and testimonials that can be helpful. This launch is usually offered for free to a small group of people.
Once you’ve done a seed launch and have finessed your work, it’s time to go full on and do a big launch. You’ll need to market for this, which can be a lot of work. It’s well worth it, however.
Considering creating and selling your own online course? We can help! Join HeyBrain today to launch your course.